View of winding roads

Loving the Off-Road Adventure

It’s pretty rare in life to find a partner who wants to do the exact same things you do. While we do have many things in common, how we enjoy our free time and how we prefer to “see” the sites varies greatly. 

When planning our adventures, we try to find a happy medium of finding activities that we can all enjoy at each location. While I would love to walk, hike, and explore longer trails, getting lost in the wilderness, I don’t usually get a lot of support for a big hike. I usually try to find the best short hikes to get more support from the family. The kids prefer to explore some areas by bike, assuming it’s not too hilly. They also like more opportunities to “play”, whether it’s to climb the rocks, play in the dirt, sled the hills, build a fort, etc. My husband likes scenic drives, with his favorite being the off-road drives. 

Compromise is not about losing. It is about deciding that the other person has just as much right to be happy with the end result as you do.

Donna Martini

I don’t mind some off-roading, but I don’t get the same adrenaline rush from driving over large rocks and along narrow gravel roads. I do, however, enjoy getting out and walking along the road to help him navigate the terrain, get to stretch my legs, and explore more of the off-road trail on foot. So, there’s our win-win so we both enjoy the experience. 

Further along Shafer Trail, we saw the winding Colorado River through the beautiful red rock landscape (similar but lower view as you’d see from Dead Horse State Park)

One of my favorite off-road trails was driving along Schnebly Hill Rd in Sedona, AZ. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say his favorite was driving Shafer Trail from Canyonlands National Park to Moab, when we were in Utah. With the crazy winding roads down into the canyon, it was absolutely my least favorite part of the ride. I did love getting out away from civilization and stopping for some amazing sites along the Colorado River.

Driving along Schnebly Hill Rd in Sedona, AZ – beautiful views in all directions