Posed picture with Canaan fieldhouse sign

Canaan Fieldhouse – Albany, NY

We found this gem as we were looking for a place to stop for the night roughly halfway between Maryland and Maine. Just outside Albany, NY, the Canaan Field house (indoor soccer field) was the perfect location. Albany was a good stopping point and didn’t leave us with a long drive the next day, and the kind gentleman who runs the fieldhouse offered to unlock the field for us so we could run around and get some exercise before our long drive. He also offered to turn on or off lights in the parking lot, depending on what made us more comfortable. We never met, but he was responsive and ensured we had a great experience.

Indoor soccer field

We had a huge parking lot all to ourselves, and it was actually protected from the road so you wouldn’t necessarily know someone was staying there overnight. There was a fuel stop just up the road, which was perfect for refueling the next morning and getting on our way.

Parking outside Canaan Field house

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